Студия «Burton Holmes Travel Pictures» (165)

Лучшие фильмы
1.День во Флоренции1919
2.An Oregonian Niagara1917
3.Fire Walkers of Bega1918
4.A Gold Star Pilgrimage1920
5.Going to the Sun1917
6.Salvation Army on the Job, The1919
7.Fiji Does Its Bit1918
10.Glorious Versailles1919
11.How California Harvests Wheat1917
12.Oblin: The Switzerland of British Columbia1918
13.Taihoku, Metropolis of Formosa1919
14.Down South in New Zealand1918
15.Gorge of Pagsangen1918
16.Real Streets of Cairo, The1916
17.Cataract of Iguason, The1919
18.On the Way to the Front with the Chinese Labor Corps1918
19.Curious Ceylon1917
20.Murderous Moros of Mindanao, The1916
21.Across France with Yankee Gas Hounds1919
23.In a Manila Wrapper1919
24.Real Bohemia, The1916
25.In Classic Greece1916
26.With the Kandy Elephants1917
27.Among the Head Hunters1916
28.Thru Canadian Canyons1917
29.From the Bay of Fundy to the St. Lawrence1917
30.Melbourne, the Magnificent1918
31.Bonnie Scotland1916
32.Two Ends of the Rope1918
33.Around About London1919
34.Felling Big Trees in California1916
35.In Innsbruck, Capital of the Austrian Tyrol1916
36.A Journey Through Java1917
37.With the Yanks in France1919
38.Adelaide, Capital of South Australia1918
39.'Round About Melbourne1918
40.Push Car Trails in Formosa1919
41.Today in Samoa1918
42.Two Cities of Old Cathay1918
43.In South Tyrol, the Italian Corner of Austria1916
44.Dog Eaters of Benguet, The1916
45.Wonders of Yellowstone1917
46.Among the Maoris of New Zealand1917
47.Batavia, the Javanese Capital1917
48.Montreal, Old and New1917
49.Bilibid, the Sing Sing of Philippines1916
50.Georgian Bay to Winnipeg1917
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